

Hello you. 

Since we started besable we have followed our statistics to see who our followers are. I still do not know you, I do not know who you are, what you like, what you feel. If there is anybody out there, please let us know by leaving a comment. 

Looking forward too hearing from you.

//Amanda & Anna

2 kommentarer:

  1. Jag är här inne varje dag! Tycker ni är fantastiskt duktiga. Puss puss Lena

  2. This is the first time I have entered this website.
    I was googleing and clicked: "Sometimes I wonder is there anybody out there?"
    What do you think that means, if it means anything at all?
    I am a boy who loves skating every day, to create and design music, acting, being creative in general, love my famly, I am philosophic, own many emotions, and try to do the right thing. I try to affect the world in a positive way. I love having fun, and growing as a physical and spiritual being.
    Guess I´m not one of your regular followers, but I figuered out I could answer.
    I also answered in English because the thread was written in English.
    Considering there is also Sweedish to be seen.
    You questioned: "If there is anybody out there, please let us know by leaving a comment".
    This was my answer, but I was searcing for an answer myself; "Sometimes I wonder is there anybody out there?"
    .... So, is there?

    Peace to you all, whoever you are :)
    -Anonymous, Norway
